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Family Law Lawyers

Family Law

Most family legal disputes concern children and money. At Baysinger Henson Reimer Shaddix PLLC, we focus on helping our clients find balanced solutions to these disputes, so that they can continue to lead productive and satisfying lives.

Our experienced family lawyers understand that the decisions you make today can affect you and your family for years, even decades. They understand that it is important that you enter any divorce action with a clear mind and aided by an attorney who can help you realize your long-term goals.

Divorce Attorneys Serving

If your family issue requires legal intervention, our attorneys can help you. Family legal matters in which we assist clients include:

Divorce and modifications: Representation in settlement negotiations and in divorce litigation involving uncontested divorce (waiver divorce) and contested actions, and in securing modifications of orders for child support, child custody and spousal support based on significant changes of income or other certain personal circumstances.

Child custody, support and visitation: Representing clients in parental responsibility and time-sharing matters, as well as in situations involving child removal, paternity and terminations of parental rights.

Asset division and debt division: Representing clients in negotiations and litigation concerning equitable divisions of marital assets and debts (property division), as well as spousal support (alimony).

Mediation and collaborative law: Representing clients who seek to resolve disputes using alternatives to traditional litigation. Our attorneys include trained mediators and certified collaborative law practitioners.

Family Law

Mediation Can Save Money, Encourage Longer-Lasting Solutions

Mediation and collaborative negotiation can be useful in resolving divorces and other family law matters. Through a negotiated or mediated process, cooperating parties can resolve their child custody and visitation, child and spousal support, and child relocation issues, as well as secure modifications of court orders — all while retaining control of the outcomes that directly affect them and their loved ones.

Negotiations and mediation are often the best ways to resolve legal disputes when much is at stake. By limiting expensive litigation, our clients tend to save money and find more satisfaction than they would after a court trial. As part of our firm, we have access to a certified divorce financial analysis (CDFA) who can help.

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